Monday 20 June 2011


Loving something is scary, very very scary.
Being aware of the darker things to come only make them ever more ominous the further you fall through.
But in those silent moments your breaths and another's intertwine, you know, whole heartedly, it's worth it.
You know, they're worth it.
And because of that, I very much love you.
And my silent hidden crevice of the internet, gets to hear all about it.
And you. Of course.

Thursday 16 June 2011


There's something happening, and I'm not quite sure what.
But it's making me scared.
So I sit here and try to breathe.

Saturday 4 June 2011


There's this thing.
It's called life.
It's pretty broad, you know?
It's gotta all these intricate lumps and bumps in it.
These little lines and dots, alongside the grandest things you could imagine.
This thing, called life, Can I tell you something?
It's the most indecipherable thing known to any creature.
To be perfectly honest, It's the most amazing thing too.
See... Sometimes there are times in this very life, that people forget why it's worth sticking around for.
See, once I forgot too.
So I learned to take things back to the utter basics.
To the actual life itself, rather than it's creations.
In it I found the lines of my palm, the tiny details of my fingerprints, the light roots of hair on my arm, the birth marks lining the underside of my jaw.
In it I found a newer broader life, and since that very day, life has grown with every waking minute.
There's this thing, this thing called life.
To be honest with you, looking at the lines upon my hands, feeling the heat upon my skin, I could not be happier.