Saturday, 19 March 2011


She breathed deeply. Her hands rested against her stomach, the heat emanating from her fingertips as she lay under soft sheets, and watched her dark ceiling.
Closing her eyes, she tilted her body on its side, rolling across until she lay curled up, one hand curved against her neck, the other, wrapped around her waist.
Her nose lay gently pressed against the translucent curtain of blue she hung above her bed, as sparkling butterflies drew across it, tied nimbly to its peak.
A minute blue bird sat in a golden cage, suspended by a chain from her lightless ceiling.
The moon’s rays dimly fell across it’s back, before retreating behind her curtains, failing to return.
She inhaled deeply, smelling the heat off her pillow, the smell of her shampoo lingering on her sheets, trapped in her hair that wrapped securely around her throat, strands resting against her cheeks.
Tracing her fingertips gently against her bed surface, warm breath passed against her lips as she pulled her stomach in further, her arm wrapped softly around it, holding her in.
She could feel no greater desire than for that of sleep. She relished in such simplicity. Her eye darted briefly to her notebook, leaning against her bookshelf, a pen tossed against it.
She refrained.
Some emotions, some nights, some days, and some memories, could hold no words.
They could fit no page, be felt with no prose.
They were… timeless.
They were moments in which she lay in silence, and could feel no pain, no future, no past, and no present.
They were times, in which she was alone, and could wish for nothing, and feel for nothing, but that of content.
She lay that night, her eyes shut as a smile lingered, her arm warmly pressed against her neck, her nose gently pressed against blue curtains, and in that night, she could feel… not elation, nor sadness, but merely, contentment with all.
As she rested silently, she could think of tomorrow and feel no worry, think of yesterday and feel no remorse, think of today and feel no strain.
She could feel no person, see no face, nor hear any voice.
In this moment, she was not there. She was happy, and she was free.

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